Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump's Ominous Dismissal of Sally Yates

President Trump's dismissal tonight of Acting Attorney General  Sally Yates makes clear, if it wasn't already, that America is entering uncharted waters.  Yates, a holdover from the Obama administration, had earlier refused to enforce Trump's executive order on immigration, stating, accurately, it was neither wise nor just. That Trump should fire her was expected. But the White House statement is chilling. Trump charges that Yates "betrayed" the Justice Department.  While it exceeds 140 characters,  the statement reads like a Trump Twitter post, at least in part  It signals Trump's complete disregard of legitimate dissent and dictatorial impulses, which he is now acting on with the full force of the executive branch.  Those who support him are "great people" and his "good friends".  Those who oppose him are his--and now the country's--"enemies." Other nations have been down this dark (read: authoritarian) path before.  But these are unprecedented times for the United States.

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