Saturday, January 28, 2017

Federal Judge Rebuffs Trump on Refugee Ban

This evening, Judge Ann M. Donnelly, a U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of New York (in Brooklyn) entered a stay that blocks (at least temporarily) President Trump's efforts to deport refugees and others who had been trapped at airports across the country. The judge found, in short, that the petitioners had shown a sufficient likelihood of success on their Due Process and Equal Protection Clause challenges and faced irreparable harm if deported.  Much remains to be seen, including whether the individuals will remain in detention pending resolution of the case as well as the fate of those who have yet to travel to the United States. But, either way, a big win for the Constitution and for the country, and a high-profile set-back for Trump.   I will have more to say about this important ruling later. For now, kudos to the ACLU and other groups who brought this action.

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